Franklin Alley Social Club - Pandemic 2020

Tuesday Division

Schedule Standings

January 14th, 2020 - September 15th, 2020
06:00 PM - 10:30 PM
Matches happen on Tuesdays

Franklin Alley Social Club
50 Franklin St.
Troy, NY 12180

Cost is $50.00 per Team

Teams have 4-8 Players

18 Teams Registered / 18 Teams Maximum

Teams Registered:

# Team
1 Biscuit Wizards
2 Buddy & The Biscuits
3 Carrot Stop, Won't Stop
4 Elixir 16
5 Erry Day We Shufflin
6 Escape Pod
7 Helderberg Hibernians
8 LLX Aint Nothin to Puck With
9 Rare Form
10 Risky Biscuits
11 Ruff Slyders
12 Schweddy Tangs
13 See You Next Tuesday
14 Shuff Shuff Pass
15 Shuffle Me Timbers
16 Swift Biscuits
17 Truffle Shuffle
18 Wach Attach