Shuffle - Summer 2022

Wednesday Division

Schedule Standings

June 22nd, 2022 - August 17th, 2022
07:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Matches happen on Wednesdays

2612 N Tampa St
Tampa, FL 33602

Cost is $250.00 per Team

Teams have 2-8 Players

Additional Information:

Hi there!

Shuffle Summer League 2022 will kick off on Wednesday, June 15th, with a pre-season party! No official matches will be played, but good times will be had. The regular season will be June 22nd to August 3rd. The playoff championship for both divisions will be Wednesday, August 17th.

Games will be played at 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm. 2 players are required for each game.

Players receive a 10% discount off all tabs during the season, a t-shirt, free league play and free practice play when we are not on a wait.

League Champions receive their picture on the wall of fame, team name on the league trophy and champion t-shirts.

If you have any questions, please email

10 Teams Registered / 10 Teams Maximum

Teams Registered:

# Team
1 Bolt Holes
2 Bulls and Biscuits
3 Herding Squirrels
4 Home Tang
5 Pure Initiative Shuffle Crew
6 Risky Biscuits
7 Shitty Shitty Tang Bang
8 Tang Dynasty
9 The Alternative Lifeshtyle FKA The Dirty
10 US Foods