# Name Team Games Avg 100s 40s Cs 50s
1 Chris "The Button Man 🖲️" Wade R-E-S-P-E-SKEE-T 7 451 159 0 5 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 439 23
Apr 25, 2023 472 25
May 2, 2023 439 22
May 9, 2023 486 26
May 16, 2023 461 23
May 23, 2023 469 24
Jun 5, 2023 395 16
2 Chris "Shredder" Mueller Avrol Laskeegne 7 432 133 0 0 1
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 339 12
Apr 25, 2023 470 23
May 2, 2023 504 25
May 9, 2023 380 15
May 16, 2023 406 18
Jun 5, 2023 474 25
Jun 5, 2023 451 15
3 Jonathan "The Prodigskee" Garcia E Skee W 6 403 112 1 1 1
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 425 21
Apr 25, 2023 419 18
May 2, 2023 388 20
May 9, 2023 320 11
May 16, 2023 360 15
May 23, 2023 508 27
4 James "The Shark" Schwark Cool Rollings 8 384 125 0 2 3
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 372 17
Apr 25, 2023 304 11
May 2, 2023 458 23
May 9, 2023 424 17
May 16, 2023 404 16
May 23, 2023 324 8
Jun 5, 2023 358 14
Jun 5, 2023 434 19
5 Russell "Just Russ" Szumski Unrolled Mysteries 7 383 121 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 354 16
Apr 25, 2023 421 19
May 2, 2023 383 17
May 9, 2023 417 19
May 16, 2023 414 19
May 23, 2023 320 15
Jun 5, 2023 373 16
6 Jason "Magnum" Magsalin Avrol Laskeegne 8 346 90 0 1 1
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 305 7
Apr 25, 2023 364 13
May 2, 2023 368 14
May 9, 2023 347 13
May 16, 2023 280 8
May 23, 2023 335 10
Jun 5, 2023 379 11
Jun 5, 2023 392 14
7 Allison "Rim Tickler" Adams Take Skee Home Tonight 6 337 77 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 352 15
Apr 25, 2023 306 9
May 2, 2023 333 14
May 9, 2023 340 13
May 16, 2023 344 13
May 23, 2023 351 13
8 Davy "Shotgun" Raistrick Skee Ninjas 8 331 112 0 3 1
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 335 13
Apr 25, 2023 352 19
May 2, 2023 385 17
May 9, 2023 288 11
May 16, 2023 429 17
May 23, 2023 365 13
Jun 5, 2023 342 14
Jun 5, 2023 156 8
9 Erica "Skeelzebub" Castillo Unrolled Mysteries 7 331 97 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 312 12
Apr 25, 2023 355 14
May 2, 2023 280 8
May 9, 2023 405 20
May 16, 2023 333 15
May 23, 2023 277 9
Jun 5, 2023 361 19
10 John "Skee Wilkie" Wilkie Cool Rollings 6 324 58 0 2 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 314 11
Apr 25, 2023 354 5
May 2, 2023 273 7
May 9, 2023 310 10
Jun 5, 2023 331 10
Jun 5, 2023 365 15
11 Ben "Skee-B Gun" Borris B-Skee Boys 6 323 68 2 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 352 12
Apr 25, 2023 307 10
May 2, 2023 296 9
May 9, 2023 324 11
May 16, 2023 331 14
May 23, 2023 331 12
12 Patrick "Danny Middles" Wade Marlon Hundo 9 321 117 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 318 15
Apr 25, 2023 362 16
May 2, 2023 280 9
May 9, 2023 350 15
May 16, 2023 330 11
May 23, 2023 343 15
Jun 5, 2023 224 10
Jun 5, 2023 400 19
Jun 5, 2023 286 7
13 Tom "Tomahawk " Wilk Roll Models 6 320 63 0 2 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 298 7
Apr 25, 2023 339 13
May 2, 2023 346 14
May 29, 2023 318 10
May 16, 2023 297 7
May 23, 2023 326 12
14 Mike "Machskeeo" Howard My Cousin Vinskee 9 316 108 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 345 13
Apr 25, 2023 296 11
May 2, 2023 282 7
May 29, 2023 377 15
May 9, 2023 344 14
May 16, 2023 366 18
Jun 5, 2023 336 10
Jun 5, 2023 352 15
Jun 5, 2023 154 5
15 Corey Rusboldt My Cousin Vinskee 9 316 110 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 312 10
May 2, 2023 358 12
May 29, 2023 307 14
May 9, 2023 344 13
May 16, 2023 319 10
May 23, 2023 354 14
Jun 5, 2023 351 15
Jun 5, 2023 335 15
Jun 5, 2023 167 7
16 Amanda "Roomskee" Broughton Marlon Hundo 9 313 84 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 287 8
May 29, 2023 374 14
May 29, 2023 369 12
May 9, 2023 293 9
May 16, 2023 346 10
May 23, 2023 336 14
Jun 5, 2023 204 0
Jun 5, 2023 359 12
Jun 5, 2023 256 5
17 Brett "Demolition Man" Alexander Rollhann Sebastian Bach 6 313 65 1 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 376 17
Apr 25, 2023 319 12
May 2, 2023 324 11
May 9, 2023 286 8
May 16, 2023 304 9
May 23, 2023 272 8
18 Jess Sauer Avrol Laskeegne 8 308 75 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 248 3
Apr 25, 2023 291 6
May 2, 2023 278 6
May 29, 2023 305 9
May 16, 2023 289 10
May 23, 2023 375 16
Jun 5, 2023 347 12
Jun 5, 2023 335 13
19 Ilse "Caboose" Mehus R-E-S-P-E-SKEE-T 7 307 2 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 25, 2023 317 1
May 29, 2023 334 0
May 29, 2023 313 0
May 9, 2023 332 0
May 16, 2023 273 0
May 23, 2023 312 0
Jun 5, 2023 274 1
20 Boris "Snake Eyes" Kampel The Cuckskees 7 306 71 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 326 9
Apr 25, 2023 296 10
May 2, 2023 324 8
May 9, 2023 323 8
May 16, 2023 323 14
May 23, 2023 304 10
Jun 5, 2023 249 12
21 Amber "Volcano" Volanakis It's skee, hi, I'm the problem, it's skee 6 303 57 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 278 6
Apr 25, 2023 297 10
May 2, 2023 314 12
May 9, 2023 339 17
May 16, 2023 324 8
May 23, 2023 268 4
22 Josh Cottrill TOP SKEECRET 7 297 69 0 2 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 280 9
Apr 25, 2023 316 8
May 2, 2023 310 11
May 9, 2023 394 17
May 16, 2023 350 11
May 23, 2023 273 7
Jun 5, 2023 161 6
23 Anni-Ming "Wildcat" Larson Roll Calm & Skee On 7 295 72 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 288 7
May 2, 2023 315 8
May 29, 2023 307 12
May 9, 2023 335 14
May 16, 2023 340 14
May 23, 2023 303 10
Jun 5, 2023 181 7
24 Bootsy "Bootskee" Collins B-Skee Boys 6 295 42 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 312 2
Apr 25, 2023 256 5
May 2, 2023 271 8
May 9, 2023 304 11
May 16, 2023 306 9
May 23, 2023 321 7
25 Nick "Ramrod" Ramirez Wolfpack Skeeball Club 7 292 68 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 393 14
Apr 25, 2023 284 9
May 2, 2023 276 11
May 9, 2023 346 16
May 16, 2023 323 11
May 23, 2023 286 6
Jun 5, 2023 138 1
26 Bill "Backpack" Marsack Wolfpack Skeeball Club 7 291 66 0 2 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 307 11
Apr 25, 2023 276 2
May 2, 2023 336 14
May 9, 2023 305 6
May 16, 2023 318 10
May 23, 2023 343 17
Jun 5, 2023 158 6
27 Jennifer "The Skeapot" Layzell Unrolled Mysteries 7 284 51 0 2 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 277 8
Apr 25, 2023 289 7
May 2, 2023 246 2
May 9, 2023 248 6
May 16, 2023 330 11
May 23, 2023 278 6
Jun 5, 2023 323 11
28 Caitlin "The Minnow" Schwark Cool Rollings 8 284 75 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 270 9
Apr 25, 2023 228 6
May 2, 2023 333 13
May 9, 2023 288 10
May 16, 2023 255 5
May 23, 2023 297 11
Jun 5, 2023 274 8
Jun 5, 2023 333 13
29 Laurie "Party Laurie" Lichtman Marlon Hundo 9 283 81 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 318 10
Apr 25, 2023 336 13
May 2, 2023 276 10
May 9, 2023 293 8
May 16, 2023 279 10
May 23, 2023 231 5
Jun 5, 2023 183 4
Jun 5, 2023 373 14
Jun 5, 2023 264 7
30 Will "Billbo Bagskees" Borris Rollhann Sebastian Bach 5 281 35 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 297 5
Apr 25, 2023 255 6
May 2, 2023 307 10
May 16, 2023 267 8
May 23, 2023 279 6
31 Stephanie "Blingskee" Frye Roll Calm & Skee On 7 279 25 0 2 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 348 0
Apr 25, 2023 355 14
May 2, 2023 338 0
May 9, 2023 251 6
May 16, 2023 290 0
May 23, 2023 257 1
Jun 5, 2023 120 4
32 Austin Tuttle TOP SKEECRET 6 279 54 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 291 8
Apr 25, 2023 266 11
May 2, 2023 258 9
May 9, 2023 223 5
May 16, 2023 331 10
May 23, 2023 310 11
33 Nick "Rollmano" Romano The Cuckskees 7 277 74 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 333 15
Apr 25, 2023 305 13
May 2, 2023 243 6
May 9, 2023 330 13
May 16, 2023 296 11
May 23, 2023 299 11
Jun 5, 2023 139 5
34 Jennifer "The Hammer" Nulty YaYa Skeesterhood 3 274 21 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
May 9, 2023 267 4
May 16, 2023 316 12
May 23, 2023 241 5
35 Christina "Sneakskee" Wang Skee Ninjas 8 273 75 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 233 6
Apr 25, 2023 288 12
May 2, 2023 310 13
May 29, 2023 309 12
May 9, 2023 285 8
May 23, 2023 306 12
Jun 5, 2023 293 5
Jun 5, 2023 161 7
36 Andrew Jacobsen Banskees of Iniskeerin 5 270 45 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 264 11
Apr 25, 2023 281 11
May 2, 2023 283 9
May 16, 2023 253 7
May 23, 2023 269 7
37 Schaffer "Mahomskee" Degen It's skee, hi, I'm the problem, it's skee 6 269 41 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 25, 2023 276 7
May 2, 2023 211 2
May 29, 2023 251 6
May 9, 2023 287 10
May 16, 2023 322 10
May 23, 2023 267 6
38 Quin "The Machine" Slott Banskees of Iniskeerin 5 268 40 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 25, 2023 263 9
May 2, 2023 282 7
May 9, 2023 281 10
May 16, 2023 265 7
May 23, 2023 249 7
39 Vinnie "The Cousin" Colletti My Cousin Vinskee 7 266 53 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 365 17
May 9, 2023 255 2
May 16, 2023 287 8
May 23, 2023 199 3
Jun 5, 2023 277 5
Jun 5, 2023 329 13
Jun 5, 2023 152 5
40 Peter "Iced Skee " Corsi Skee Ninjas 7 265 65 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 236 7
Apr 25, 2023 314 15
May 2, 2023 278 8
May 9, 2023 309 13
May 23, 2023 259 5
Jun 5, 2023 303 10
Jun 5, 2023 159 7
41 Tristan "Mister T " Mockler Roll Models 5 264 36 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 237 9
May 29, 2023 260 8
May 9, 2023 283 7
May 16, 2023 299 8
May 23, 2023 241 4
42 Grace "The Hen" Cocking E Skee W 8 262 55 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 267 8
Apr 25, 2023 283 8
May 2, 2023 308 10
May 9, 2023 261 5
May 16, 2023 276 5
May 23, 2023 282 5
Jun 5, 2023 172 9
Jun 5, 2023 248 5
43 Ian "The Gentleman" Mackay Take Skee Home Tonight 5 257 26 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 265 0
Apr 25, 2023 246 3
May 9, 2023 305 11
May 16, 2023 265 8
May 23, 2023 207 4
44 Rachelle Price E Skee W 8 254 49 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 287 9
Apr 25, 2023 294 10
May 2, 2023 281 9
May 9, 2023 263 7
May 16, 2023 266 7
May 23, 2023 244 2
Jun 5, 2023 135 1
Jun 5, 2023 264 4
45 Tom "Huevas Rollcheros" Cuevas Roll Calm & Skee On 7 253 47 1 1 0
Date Points 100s
May 2, 2023 259 7
May 29, 2023 299 9
May 29, 2023 267 5
May 9, 2023 252 6
May 16, 2023 253 6
May 23, 2023 295 8
Jun 5, 2023 148 6
46 Caroline Cross Born to SKEE Wild 5 252 36 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 228 6
May 29, 2023 231 5
May 9, 2023 254 8
May 16, 2023 261 8
May 23, 2023 287 9
47 Sarah "Thriftskee" Anker It's skee, hi, I'm the problem, it's skee 6 252 48 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 253 9
Apr 25, 2023 261 9
May 2, 2023 238 6
May 9, 2023 238 7
May 16, 2023 284 11
May 23, 2023 241 6
48 Liz Rose Born to SKEE Wild 5 249 23 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 227 5
Apr 25, 2023 221 4
May 9, 2023 261 6
May 16, 2023 266 7
May 23, 2023 270 1
49 Elizabeth "Birdskee" Williams TOP SKEECRET 7 247 52 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 257 5
Apr 25, 2023 241 5
May 2, 2023 238 6
May 9, 2023 277 11
May 16, 2023 284 11
May 23, 2023 303 11
Jun 5, 2023 132 3
50 Richard "Tsunamskee" Hsueh The Cuckskees 6 246 46 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 281 10
Apr 25, 2023 235 6
May 2, 2023 244 6
May 9, 2023 268 9
May 23, 2023 298 11
Jun 5, 2023 155 4
51 Rebecca "Punchout" Kotsonis B-Skee Boys 6 245 41 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 240 4
Apr 25, 2023 226 4
May 2, 2023 285 9
May 9, 2023 226 7
May 16, 2023 273 12
May 23, 2023 225 5
52 Bridget Nulty YaYa Skeesterhood 5 243 32 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 272 9
Apr 25, 2023 219 5
May 2, 2023 266 7
May 9, 2023 200 1
May 16, 2023 259 10
53 Paul "The Stylist" Mitchell Wolfpack Skeeball Club 7 242 42 0 1 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 225 5
Apr 25, 2023 217 2
May 2, 2023 238 6
May 9, 2023 312 8
May 16, 2023 263 8
May 23, 2023 292 8
Jun 5, 2023 150 5
54 Grayson Adams Banskees of Iniskeerin 6 241 40 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 256 9
Apr 25, 2023 234 4
May 2, 2023 197 3
May 9, 2023 239 6
May 16, 2023 244 7
May 23, 2023 278 11
55 Sarah Rodefeld YaYa Skeesterhood 6 240 37 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 212 1
Apr 25, 2023 242 7
May 2, 2023 245 7
May 9, 2023 250 8
May 16, 2023 219 4
May 23, 2023 276 10
56 Eli "Skeeli " Stoiber Take Skee Home Tonight 6 235 20 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 181 0
Apr 25, 2023 257 0
May 2, 2023 238 0
May 9, 2023 303 11
May 16, 2023 217 4
May 23, 2023 219 5
57 Katie "Princess G-Spot" Maulbetsch R-E-S-P-E-SKEE-T 6 228 10 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 207 0
Apr 25, 2023 229 0
May 9, 2023 210 0
May 16, 2023 237 2
May 23, 2023 239 2
Jun 5, 2023 248 6
58 Eliana Womack Roll Models 6 226 9 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 269 3
Apr 25, 2023 224 1
May 2, 2023 224 0
May 29, 2023 215 1
May 16, 2023 206 2
May 23, 2023 218 2
59 Jess "Goldskeelocks" Mayotte Rollhann Sebastian Bach 3 210 9 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
May 2, 2023 233 4
May 9, 2023 185 2
May 16, 2023 214 3
60 Ariel Landers Born to SKEE Wild 5 174 9 0 0 0
Date Points 100s
Apr 18, 2023 164 1
Apr 25, 2023 184 4
May 2, 2023 168 2
May 9, 2023 174 1
May 23, 2023 184 1