March 24th, 2025
- March 25th, 2025
07:15 PM
- 08:15 PM
Matches happen on Mondays
Royal Palms Brooklyn
514 Union St
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Cost is $600.00 per Team
Teams have 1-10 Players
13 Teams Registered / 16 Teams Maximum
Teams Registered:
# | Team | |
1 | Golden Tangs | |
2 | Mind Your Own Biscuits | |
3 | Pass the Gin | |
4 | Pucking Sinners | |
5 | R.I.P.aul | |
6 | Stranger Danger | |
7 | The Food Courts | |
8 | The Free Agents | |
9 | The Judys | |
10 | The Oofa Doofas | |
11 | Truffle Shuffle | |
12 | Wolftang Pucks | |
13 | Yes, Shuff! |